Product Name: How To Win Custody, Child Support And Majority Time-share Even If You Don't Know Anything About the Law – A proven step-by-step strategy to win custody
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How To Win Custody, Child Support And Majority Time-share Even If You Don't Know Anything About the Law – A proven step-by-step strategy to win custody is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Do you have a vengeful ex or soon-to-be-ex terrorizing you?
You know what I’m talking about…
The kind that holds your children “hostage” so you can’t see them…
using them as pawns to get money out of you.
She gives you a time to pick up your kids, but when you get there she’s gone…
Blasting you over the phone and in text messages for no reason…
Telling you everything is your fault…
Spreading lies about you to everyone that will listen…
And of course you’re being a good dad
Putting your child first and trying to do everything right…
But, it’s gotten so bad, you’ve finally realized that you’ve gotta fight for custody, or at least 50/50…
But you don’t know where to start…
and even if you did know, you still have that lingering question…
How can a father win custody?
You’ve heard the horror stories of fathers getting screwed by the court system…
Because we all know that when it comes to custody issues the deck is stacked against us.
The courts and legal system want you to believe that mothers and fathers are on a level playing field.
But the truth is that the system, and even society have been selling you a lie about what it takes to win custody…
and this lie makes an already rigged system even worse…
and this faulty approach they trick fathers into using will actually cause you to lose in the courtroom…not win.
So now I want you to pay very close attention…
Because what I’m about to tell you is going to take everything you ever heard about what it takes to win custody and turn it upside down!
Hi, my name is Kevin and in the next few minutes I’m going to share with you…
How I won custody without bashing my ex…
and without being the perfect dad…
using this surefire legal hack that fathers, just like you…
have discovered for winning custody, child support and majority time-share…
And once you know this, you’ll hold the key to winning your own custody case…
And you can get back to enjoying your life with your kids without interference from your ex.
I know this works because I used it myself to win custody of my own son…
My friends have used it and so have other fathers I shared it with…
Look, I know what it’s like…
You miss seeing your child’s smile every day… the sound of their giggles…
You miss being able to smell their hair when you hug them at bedtime…
And sometimes you feel so helpless that it’s hard to function and you just wish all this would be over…
Then there’s that horrible feeling you get in your gut knowing that if your ex wins custody…
She’ll do everything she can to snatch away any chance of you having a relationship with your children…
Because I’m gonna show you how to make sure that never happens!
And to help you understand all this…
Let me tell you about how I found myself sitting in a courtroom…
Yea! She really said that right in the middle of court!
But before I go further, let me take you back to the beginning before that crazy day in the courtroom, to where all the trouble began.
My son’s mom and I were never married and we broke up while she was still pregnant.
About a month before my son was born we were talking on the phone…
And I brought up the topic of our son staying home with me when she returned to work.
I worked from home, so I always just assumed that he would be with me during the day when she worked.
Wouldn’t that be the most logical thing to do?
But no, she was too vindictive for that…
Too hell bent on trying to punish me for breaking up with her.
She said that when she started back to work that she was going to “take him to a babysitter”!
I told her that made no sense and asked, “Why can’t he stay with me… I’m his dad?”
She had every excuse in the book you can think of, but none of course made any logical sense…
I begged her to please let me have him during the day while she worked…
But she wasn’t having it.
This of course turned into a full blown argument over the phone that went absolutely no where.
Have you ever had one of those?
Finally, after hours of this going back and forth I had to end the conversation…
It was just to painful to bear the thought that my son would be going to a babysitter…
And that I would be missing out on a great early bonding experience with him.
As I hung up the phone…
Something in the back of my mind told me that the day would come when we’d be sitting across from each other in a courtroom.
A month after that conversation my son was born and…
And that was without a court order requiring me to do so!
Plus, I had completely furnished two baby rooms, one at her place and one at mine.
I was doing all the right things…you know…just like I’m sure you’re doing right now too…
But nothing was good enough…
And when she started back to work she took him to a babysitter just like she said she would.
I wasn’t even allowed to take him to see my parents…his grandparents!
I asked her if we could come to some kind of visitation agreement on our own, but, she refused.
She said, “I’m not signing anything!”
Then when Father’s Day rolled around she purposely made plans to go out of town to keep my son from me.
It would have been our first Father’s Day together, but she stole that day from us.
It’s a day we can never get back!
The grim reality started to sink in that the future held nothing but problems…
And that I was probably going to have to beg her to see my son for the next 18 years.
For me to have any type of relationship with my son I was going to have to fight for it.
Over the next 3 months things deteriorated quickly…
And I decided to file an “Emergency Motion For Temporary Custody”…
A temporary custody order is what you ask the court to put in place until a final order can be made.
My son was 9 months old when I filed it…
But by the time, all the hearings, mediation, child custody evaluations, depositions and everything was over he would be 2 1/2 years old.
Anyways, soon after I filed and served her, there we were, sitting in court at the first hearing…
And that’s when she busted out with that story that I was watching porn with my son on my lap.
I looked over at my attorney with a grimacing face and my eyes got really big.
It’s hard to defend yourself when they’re just making up lies…
Now I doubt very seriously the Judge believed her…
But the first day in court did not turn out how I expected.
The Judge withheld making a decision on temporary custody at this point.
He only gave me a measly 13% visitation time…
And I was ordered to pay child support…
…when I decided that I couldn’t just quit on my son like that…
What kind of an example would I be setting for him – to know his dad didn’t fight for him?
I only got minimum visitation time at that first hearing…which means my ex would have him for the majority of the time until we got to the final hearing.
And that can be many months or even a couple of years away from when the case first started.
Here’s the problem with that.
If my ex maintained majority time-share for the duration of the time leading up to the final hearing…
Then her attorney could make the argument…
That my ex should be granted custody on the grounds of “maintaining the continuity”…
So as not to disrupt what the child had become accustomed to.
So it seemed I was stuck with this 1 night a week 13% visitation time…
Five months after that first hearing I filed another motion
and here’s why it changed…
Remember back when she told me she was going to hire a babysitter…
When I had that gut feeling that we’d wind up in court?
Well, from that day forward…
I began talking to friends, family members and anyone I could find that had gone through a divorce or custody case.
I went on a mission to find out everything I could on how to win custody.
I knew for the most part that men did not win custody…
and I didn’t want to be another statistic.
You know, one of those men that hire an attorney, hope for the best… and then get raked over the coals.
I had learned that attorneys were mainly to handle the legal mumbo-jumbo, legal technicalities, and to be a presence in the courtroom.
I knew that if I was really serious about winning then I was going to have to come up with a strategy on my own…
You see, the legal aspects of a case and actual strategy used to WIN a case can be two different things.
And when it came to my son…I wasn’t about to leave anything to chance…
I wanted to know what fathers who won custody did to win their case.
I wanted to unlock the secret to success in the courtroom.
I began reading custody law statutes…
I began researching and studying everything I could find on custody cases where the father had won…
and even the cases where the fathers had lost…
I was going through cases like a madman…
Through my circle of family and friends I was tracking down as many fathers I could find who had been in the trenches of a custody fight…
Spending hours meeting with them or talking on the phone and dissecting their cases piece by piece.
Many of them gave me their complete case documents, all their notes, all the motions they filed, child custody evaluator reports and judge’s final orders.
I spent countless hours talking with people, going to the law library, studying cases and reading court documents…
Looking for the answer to why some fathers succeed in court while others not so much.
Back when I won custody not many fathers won… but the more fathers I talked to and the more cases I studied, a pattern began to emerge…
and I found a set of common patterns in the cases where the fathers had won and… a set of common patterns with the fathers who lost…
But something seemed off…
It went against everything the court system had led me to believe about winning custody.
But I was finally able to put the pieces of the puzzle together and it turns out what these fathers were doing to win custody…
was a simple legal hack that gave the judge no choice but to grant custody to the father.
So like I said, 5 months after the first hearing…
I filed a motion to modify the temporary order to increase my time-share from 13/87 to 50/50.
I had my ex served with the new motion…
and soon after we were back in court.
I have to admit that I was a little bit worried because I knew that usually no matter how good a father’s case is…
that sometimes things can still go in favor of the mother.
But I had a sneaky trick up my sleeve that my ex nor her attorney were expecting…
It gave no room for my ex’s attorney nor the judge to have any objections.
It was awesome to see the look of frustration on my ex’s face when the judge increased my time-share from 13% to 45%!
I walked out of the courtroom with a new temporary order that was 45/55…
It was close enough to 50/50 for the time leading up to the final hearing.
Next, there was a lot more strategizing that needed to be done between that hearing and the final hearing.
Luckily, from everything I learned from those winning fathers, reading their cases and hours at the law library I knew exactly how to build and execute a case using the legal hack I discovered!
There was a whole Father’s Custody Paradox formula and strategy that I put together…
and with it I was able to steer my case exactly the way I wanted it to go.
Everything from the way I interacted with my ex outside the court room to what I did inside the court room…
Was carefully planned and had a purpose.
I even had the Child Custody Evaluator taking my side.
And a lot happened in that time span…
Including discovery, interrogatories, depositions, meetings with a child custody evaluator and mediation.
As a matter of fact, a month before the final hearing at mediation…
The strategies I implemented had my ex and her attorney so frustrated that they were arguing with each other in the back room of the mediation office.
One week later her attorney wrote the Judge that she needed to be excused from the case.
My ex had to hire a new attorney.
And with what I discovered about child custody evaluator process, by the time we got to the final hearing…
The child custody evaluator had already recommended in his report that custody “should be placed with the father”.
All that was left was to convince the judge…
and almost never will the judge go against the recommendation of the child custody evaluator.
In the end, the judge agreed and granted me custody, child support and majority time-share…
This enabled me to have a fulfilling, uninterrupted life with my son…
And build an unbreakable father-son relationship that not even my devious ex could fracture.
The way those fathers I studied won…
is the same way I was able to win custody
The Fathers Custody Paradox…
can be applied by ANY father, to ANY custody case!
I’m 100% convinced it’s the easiest and most surefire way to win custody…
Without having to bash your ex…
and without having to be the “perfect” dad.
It’s been quite a few years since I won my case…
And in that time I’ve had many friends, family and strangers come to me in desperation and ask me how I won custody.
I’ve been quietly teaching fathers just like you my approach to winning using the Father’s Custody Paradox…
The real formula the court uses…
And other effective strategies that…
Got a rigged court system to do the right thing!
Unfortunately there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to sit down with everybody to teach them one-on-one.
So that’s why I took the last 15 years of knowledge, winning custody myself and teaching other fathers to do the same…
And packaged it together for YOU in a digital video course I call…
This is a graphical representation of the digital video course
This step-by-step video course will instantly put you steps ahead of your ex and on track to a custody case that ends in your favor!
It’s the only course that shows you how to quickly convince the judge and child custody evaluator that should be awarded custody with no legal know-how required.
The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers provides you with a series of video modules that…
Guide you through from beginning to end, how to implement this simple but effective legal hack – The Father’s Custody Paradox – into your own case.
I walk you through every obstacle I faced before and during my custody battle…
And you will discover the proven strategies that I unlocked in the months and months of custody research I did…
These are strategies and tactics that not only me but hundreds of other fathers have also used to win custody.
Now one quick clarification before I share the Custody Blueprint with you…
And you don’t have to be one either…
You see, the legal aspects of a case and the actual strategy and approach that are used to WIN a case are two different things.
The legal aspects of a case we leave up to the lawyers, (you don’t need a lawyer to use my Custody Blueprint but my advice is that should get one if you can).
The actual custody strategy begins with YOU, because nobody knows your case better than you.
You wont find any complicated legal double-talk in the course that you’ll have to decipher to understand it…
(However, by the end of my course you WILL be a lot MORE legally knowledgeable than you are now)
All you have to do is follow the simple and easy plan in the Custody Blueprint…
“What your blueprint said to do was opposite of what I was doing. As it turned out all the ‘right’ moves were all wrong moves. You saved me. The judge declared me the primary custodial parent of my little girl. Thank you my friend.”
“I almost screwed up big time but thanks to the part in your course about the child custody evaluator I avoided a big mistake. Because of you I scored better on the personality exam and psych evaluation test than my exwife. The evaluator made her recommendation to the court that custody should go to me and the judge came to the same conclusion. Thank you for giving me my kids!”
“This might sound weird but I’m a woman and I ordered your program for my new husband. He was going through a horrible time with his ex-girlfriend. She’d tell him he could pick up his son but she’d always leave before he got there. We had no idea what to do. Thanks to your custody blueprint you showed us the steps to take. He filed for custody and followed your steps for this sort of situation and now he lives with us. I told him I was writing you, he said ‘thanks'”.
You’ll learn in more detail what men have been mislead to believe about winning custody and then I’ll teach you how to use this legal hack that will make it impossible for the judge to rule against you. You will learn the REAL formula the court uses to determine custody. This is the foundation to the Custody Blueprint and you’ll learn how to use this for your own case. This will instantly put you in control, enabling you to steer your case in whatever direction you want it to go. Essentially turning the tables on a rigged court system and your ex… and putting the odds in your favor.
You’ll discover how I got “50/50” time-sharing in a temporary order while waiting for the final hearing. Use this clever way to ask the court for half visitation time in a temporary order. I give you all the details in Module 6 Video 2. You’re ex will have no way to argue against it and the judge will have no reason not to give it to you. This also prevents your ex from arguing to the judge at the final hearing that she should have custody because the child has been spending more time with her. This stops her from using the “maintaining continuity” argument against you.
You’ll learn how to effectively use her words and actions against her, but more importantly you’ll also learn what NOT to do when she’s making mistakes. You need this now, especially if your case has already started.
Once you recognize bad behavior committed by your ex… you’ll learn how to set traps so she continues the bad behavior, establishing a pattern that you can effectively use against her in court.
There is more than one type of Child Custody Evaluator. Discover which one is the most likely to screw the evaluation up and get it wrong. Pick the wrong one and you’re finished. I tell you which one to pick and why.
If you have a child custody evaluator assigned to your case both you and your ex will be required to take psychometric exams. These tests are purposely built to trick you and if you do not answer them “properly” you’re doomed! You’ll discover how to take them properly without falling into the evaluators traps. If you have your psych exams coming up then you need this ASAP!
If you’re thinking about saying any these to the judge or child custody evaluator… DON’T! They hate it when fathers do this.
It is very important that you do not allow your ex to file in another state or county to move the custody case out of the jurisdiction you and your kids live in. This is another common tactic that shrewd, sneaky mothers try to pull off to get the upper hand in the case and also to hurt the fathers by taking their kids away. I’ll show you a simply way to stop her.
The following information is only for those who are truly interested in winning custody.
I have found that different people, for different reasons come here to get my Custody Blueprint video course.
(Believe it or not many are women who want it for their husband, boyfriend or adult son that has a child with a crazed ex!)
My concern now though is getting this information to someone like yourself who is trying to do the right thing.
Now pause for a moment, take a deep breath and PICTURE THIS:
Take a look into the future and visualize that your custody case has come to an end…
But you decided not to get my Custody Blueprint video course when you had the chance…
Your final hearing is now over and you’ve been anxiously waiting to hear the judge’s decision.
Finally, your phone rings and its the call you’ve been waiting for…
It’s your attorney and he says, “I’m sorry but you lost. Your ex got custody.”
He then tells that your visitation is limited to every other weekend and Wednesday nights for only 3 hours…
And your child support payment is going to be more than half your monthly income.
It will be so high that you wont be able to afford your car payment…
and you’ll have to down size and move into a smaller place.
As you’re sitting there holding the phone in disbelief you’re wondering what went wrong and if you could have done more.
Now STOP and look back on today…
Considering that you’ve lost, you don’t have your kids and half your income will be going in your ex’s bank account…
What kind of value would you place on being able to prevent that from happening?
I’m not sure how you could even start to put a price on something like that…
For the last 15 years I’ve been quietly and privately coaching fathers one-on-one with their custody issues…
Obviously, time with your children is more valuable than anything…but lets not pretend here…money is important too…
Imagine if your ex wins custody… how much do you think you will have to pay her month after month, year after year in child support?
And will she be spending that on her nails and hair, a new car payment, her new boyfriend, or your kids?
And better than paying thousands over and over, month after month until their child’s 18th birthday.
But if all The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers did was work 1/2 as good as I say it does…
And instead of full custody you get 50/50 custody and you don’t have to make any child support payments…
Would you agree time with your kids has no price tag on it?
So I decided that I only want this information going to fathers who are truly interested in winning custody…
You should be… I don’t want you to blindly believe anything I said here today.
I want you to decide for yourself…So let me prove it to you!
I’m going to give you a full 60 days to dig through the Custody Blueprint For Fathers course before you decide if you even want to keep it!
And if your not impressed with the course, or simply decide its not for you, just email my 24-hour Customer Support Team for an IMMEDIATE 100% refund – you don’t have to explain yourself or give any reason.
Look, I’ve been where you’re at right now.
Not knowing what the future holds for you and your kids is a scary thing…
And so the last thing I want to do is give you something else to worry about…
That’s why I’m offering you the 60-day No Reason Needed 100% Money Back Guarantee.
There will be no hard feelings if you decide you want a refund and I’ll be sending you good vibes and good luck with your case!
…I’ll even throw in the following High-Powered bonuses absolutely free if you claim your copy of The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers within the next few minutes!
30 Page Ebook – The Right Steps To Winning Custody – More tips and strategies to ensure your win in custody court.
6 Things You Need To Do Right Now, Before She Declares War On You – Don’t get caught with your pants down. Learn what moves you need to make to protect your assets, property and income.
A Simple Negotiation Tactic To Get Your Ex To Willingly Give You The Marital Property You Want in Your Divorce – Is your ex trying to take everything and leave you with nothing? Learn how how to bait her into giving you everything you want and she’ll even be smiling when she does it.
As you’re reading this your ex is plotting and scheming against you…
This is an all out war and your kids are counting on you…
If you want any chance of winning custody, you must execute a plan of action now…
There’s no such thing as tomorrow, next week or next month when it comes to fighting for custody…
OPTION 1: You can leave this page and do nothing, cross your fingers…
And hope for the best in a court system that is stacked against you.
But when you get that phone call after the final hearing that your ex won…
Will you look back on today and regret not at least taking a short 5 minute look at my Custody Blueprint For Fathers?
OPTION 2: You can go out and do your own research. Spend months and months talking to other dads, studying case files…
Or poke around getting advice from fathers that never actually won…
And then hope that you can put it all together into a strategy that actually works.
But do you really have time for that? Hopefully your case won’t be over by the time you figure it out.
Wouldn’t you rather know the proven strategy of a father that actually won…
And has been successfully teaching it to other fathers who have also won?
And Finally, OPTION 3: Do what you know you should do… for your kids…
Get The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers and instantly get the upper hand against your ex, win custody of your children and save your paycheck from going into your ex’s bank account month after month, year after year.
You risk nothing because your covered by a 60-day, No Reason Needed, 100% Money Back Guarantee
I give you a full 60-days to completely look over the course and if you don’t like it just email me and I’ll give you your money back.
I don’t want you to lose any more precious time with your kids.
Think about all the weight that will be taken off your shoulders when you get the call after your final court date…
And your attorney say’s “You won… you have your kids!”
Would that be a phone call you’d like to get?
If you answered “YES” and you want access to The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers video course, plus the 5 Free Bonuses, then here’s what you need to do right now…
Step 1: Click the orange button below that says “Yes! I Want Custody!” and you’ll be taken to the secure Checkout Page.
Step 2: On the Checkout Page fill out the short form and click the Submit button for instant access.
Step 3: You’ll be taken to the secure Members Area where you’ll find The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers video modules and the free bonuses.
Click the orange button above to sign on right now with our secure server
You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Take your time and go through the Modules and watch the Videos. If you not excited about the information in The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers just let me know and I’ll send you a full refund immediately.
P.S. – If you just started the order process this is what’s going to happen next.
After you checkout you will be taken to a secure “thank you page” confirming your order.
You will also get an email with instructions to create a username and password for the member’s area.
When you login to the member’s area you’re going to see the 7 Modules and 14 Videos for The Definitive Child Custody Blueprint For Fathers video course along with the 5 Free Bonuses I promised you.
Watch the “Watch This Video First: Getting Started – What You Need To Know” video first, and then go through the rest of the Module’s in order. Don’t jump ahead. It’s important you watch them in order.
You will learn about the Father’s Custody Paradox and discover HOW to use it to get the judge to grant you custody. You will learn how to develop your own custody strategy as I walk you through the Custody Blueprint step-by-step.
You’ll also learn the 20 Do’s and Don’ts Every Father Should Know Before Heading To Court – This is a high octane quick start guide to get your case moving in the right direction before your ex even knows what’s happening.
Plus you’ll receive an email receipt that will include your members area link and the refund link for an easy automatic refund if you do not like the Custody Blueprint for any reason.
P.P.S. – Hey you’re still here?
Look this is the deal. This whole process today has nothing to do with me.
It’s all about you and your kids!
I’ve already been through this horrifying experience and tomorrow I’ll be spending time with my son…
Because I made a choice not to let my ex and the corrupt system control what happens.
No longer do you have to ask yourself…how can a father get custody…because the answer is here.
This is about you and if you’re going to take the next step. At this point I’ve helped you all I can.
If I don’t see you on the inside then there’s nothing more I can do, and tomorrow your ex will still be calling the shots.
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How To Win Custody, Child Support And Majority Time-share Even If You Don't Know Anything About the Law – A proven step-by-step strategy to win custody is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.