Product Name: The F-Formula
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The F-Formula is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Click the button above to get instant access to the “F-Formula”: Your Wing Girl Guided Blueprint For Combining The Nuts & Bolts Of Female Psychology With Your Genuine Personality—For Effortless Flirting, Attraction & Escalation With Any Woman
It’s a complete myth that you have to be good looking, have lots
of money or wear great clothes to attract women…
Ever wonder why some guys seem to get all the drop-dead gorgeous girls,
even when they aren’t the best-looking guys in the room?
In today’s free presentation, you’re going to learn the insider “secrets”
that make beautiful women putty in your hands…
You’ll also discover…
Right here on this page, I’m about to reveal to you the most common mistake that causes guys to screw up after they approach a girl—but most guys (maybe you) have NO CLUE that even they’re making it.
He talks to me without ever making a move or escalating. And in that case, he’ll ALWAYS be doomed to the friend zone.
We talk for a while…but when he tries to take it to the ‘next level’ he gets rejected immediately…and comes off as a creep.
He ignites INSTANT CHEMISTRY. Then, when he “makes a move”, the only thing us girls can think is, ‘Um, YES PLEASE!’
It’s NOT looks, status, height, or money… and DEFINITELY not luck.
Even male dating coaches sometimes chalk it up to a “numbers game”— when it’s NOT. (We can’t blame them though—girls’ brains are wired to understand this stuff while guy’s brains aren’t.)
The truth is, every girl knows there’s ONE THING that makes all the difference after the approach:
And if you’re not experiencing scenario #3 REGULARLY, then you’re not flirting in the specific ways women are hard-wired to respond to.
Think of the last time you were on a ROLLER COASTER…
There was such a mix of emotions, wasn’t there?
The jittery feeling in your body as you climb up the hill…your heart thudding so loud you can hear it in your ears…
When the drop comes, you feel it deeply in your stomach. You feel exhilarating adrenaline—almost like you’re flying without wings.
Afterward, you’re elated… brimming with energy… and ready to do stuff you wouldn’t normally do, right?
For us girls, NOTHING compares to a guy who can elicit an “emotional roller coaster” that keeps us guessing!
In fact, creating that roller coaster is 90% of the game after you approach.
Because—even if you’re saying slightly “off-color” or outrageous things to arouse her emotions—it’s all in the context of fun and playfulness.
When you’re riding a real roller coaster, you experience the “scary” emotion of falling that literally elicits fear of death.
But because it’s in a fun, controlled environment where you don’t actually fear death, that allows you to enjoy it.
That’s exactly what good flirting does.
It allows girls to enjoy the excitement of escalating with you in the “controlled environment” of camaraderie and comfort—where there’s no actual danger.
And when you know how to flirt properly, you create that environment—in any situation you want, with any girl you want.
And she’ll always respond positively to you, no matter what “type” of girl she is… because this is an evolutionary trait all women have.
Her “ape brain” will feel safe and at ease with you—so you can banter and “push the limits” without coming off creepy.
In fact, when you’re flirting properly, she’ll be disappointed if you don’t escalate.
And when you do, you’ll feel to her like the most fun, exhilarating, and SECURE roller coaster she’s ever been on—
And every girl secretly longs to “ride” THAT roller coaster 😉
Even if a girl gets approached 50 times a day, there’s still a low chance she’ll encounter a guy who can give her that safe “roller coaster” experience…
…which is something she NEEDS in order to feel good escalating with you.
That’s why—once you read on to find out how to do it—you’ll know more about this than the top one percent of guys who approach girls.
Now—most guys are lost when it comes to this. So if you’re not sure where to begin to create that “emotional roller coaster,” it’s not your fault.
Studies have proven guys aren’t wired to understand this the way girls do. And even for most girls—it happens below their level of conscious awareness, so they can’t explain it to men.
But right now, I have a “secret weapon” for you that clarifies all of it, making flirting DEAD simple.
And words can’t describe how excited I am to finally unveil it—it’s been YEARS in the making.
See—until recently, I had a problem that prevented me from teaching guys to flirt:
I wasn’t able to “see outside myself.”
I was never able to pinpoint what was so effective about good flirting…so I could put it into methods and strategies that can actually help men learn it!
But then I met my Wing Girl Marissa—and that ALL changed.
Marissa has an uncanny ability to pinpoint exactly what makes us girls respond to your flirting with intense attraction.
She explained every technical nuance of creating that “emotional roller coaster” in simple, elegant detail—that clarified everything for guys in our coaching sessions.
I was shocked—she can teach guys how to flirt in ways I’d been trying to get my finger on for YEARS.
I asked Marissa to put her flirting system into a plug-and-play FORMULA any guy can follow to become an exceptional flirter—and she did.
Now—this is the FIRST time I’ve let anyone besides me create a Wing Girl product—and for good reason.
Frankly, most women don’t understand their own attraction “consciously” enough to teach it to guys.
They give the typical BS advice that makes girls think they’re helping, but only confuses men (or worse yet, makes them wussier).
But when I saw the results Marissa got for the initial test subjects of her Flirting Formula, she over-the-top impressed me.
In fact, she’s a complete genius.
Her step-by-step formula is all-inclusive…meaning any guy can use it to go from “hello” to the bedroom, a relationship, or wherever you want to take it—using just Three Phases of interaction.
She drew from decades of research—observing, questioning, and testing her findings on women of ALL kinds…using concepts from neuro-imaging and evolutionary psychology studies to amplify its effectiveness.
She analyzed, probed and examined thousands of beautiful women for this—most of them didn’t even know they were under the microscope!
…And she boiled it down to an all-encompassing, biologically-based FORMULA for keeping any women hooked on you—from the beginning of your interaction all the way to the end 😉
And once the product was finished, the guys we tested it on were in just as much shock as I was.
Girls were laughing at their jokes more, lingering around them longer, and excited to escalate—when before, their interactions almost always went nowhere.
See, the secret to Marissa’s Flirting Formula—what most guys will never understand about flirting—lies in…
This amazing program alone will give you more options, greater satisfaction, and remarkable results in your dating life.
Marissa and I are so excited for you to experience that, I’m determined to knock off every single hesitation you may have to trying it out.
Now is the perfect time to introduce you to:
…that govern every successful flirting interaction between humans.
Women are biologically predisposed to be naturally highly tuned and responsive to these subtle Phases (both consciously and unconsciously).
Almost all men have NO CLUE these Phases exist. It’s NOT in their biology, and if they go through them properly, it’s usually by accident.
But the beautiful part is—you can learn all of it.
And when you do, you’ll automatically know how to use an emotional roller coaster to ignite girls’ “flirting instincts,” without having to remember to “say” or “do” anything.
…and we’ll feel comfortable and aroused by your advances—at any point the interaction.
So FINALLY, we’re revealing all of it—everything you’ll need to become a flawless flirter—in a potent, information-packed course we’re calling…
And frankly, this is the only program out there that reveals the inner workings of flirting at this level.
It starts with a PDF of over 72 pages that takes you through each Phase of The F Formula in the same step-by-step detail that’s been proven to work with thousands upon thousands of women.
Even if you still have approach anxiety—once you know the skills to make the interaction go well, mustering the guts to approach is a THOUSAND times easier. So this program can help you no matter where you’re at.
This amazing program alone will give you more options, greater satisfaction, and remarkable results in your dating life.
Marissa and I are so excited for you to experience that, I’m determined to knock off every single hesitation you may have to trying it out.
Jay, 43
“Dear Marni, I’m new to dating at 40. I’m attractive and confident and able to attract women much younger then me, but was missing a little something on how to close the deal with women. I bought the f-formula and it was just the little boost of info I needed. I made a date with a girl determined to use the approach laid out and the date went well as usual but, she went home with me that same night. The major change being instead laying back I made my intentions clear with her. thanks to the tips I learned in the F-formula. I’m sold on the product. Thank you.”
David, 36
“I always thought that flirting was saying something sexual to women. And I just couldn’t bring myself to do that to women. I felt like I was assaulting them or something. With the examples in the program of what to say and the instructions on how and when to escalate, I can now spark attraction in women without ever having to say anything sexual at all. It’s pretty amazing how women react to this and it’s so much easier then what I was doing before.”
Ali, 27
“I had no clue that what I considered flirting was actually not flirting at all. Now when I flirt women respond to me and flirt back. It’s pretty amazing.”
Andrew, 29
“You gave me the “tools” to be able to walk up to a girl on a deserted street late at night, talk to her without freaking her out and to instil in her the confidence to go for a drink straight away. ”
Wang, 22
“I can flirt with anyone!!!! Thank you Marni and Wing Girl Team. This is amazing.”
Eric, 52
“Thank you for creating such wonderful products. Though I have just recently purchased them, they have already begun to have a major impact on my confidence level with women.”
Not only that…some guys buy women gifts, jewelry, cars, and even pay for their college tuition… and girls STILL don’t feel attracted to them one bit!
So think of all the money you’ve already spent to meet women to no avail…
How much would it be worth to you if I could show you right now what’ll REALLY make your girl problems vanish forever?
…If I could tell you everything you need to know to spark visceral attraction in any woman… that automatically ignites whenever she’s around you?
…If I could clarify everything that makes girls eager and excited to go to the “next level” with you, just by being YOU?
The truth is…most guys would easily pay thousands of dollars for that kind of knowledge.
But—I’d never ask you to pay that.
Marissa worked hard on this. She wants as many guys as possible to experience its amazing results. And I agree.
So today, you can have The F Formula—the relentlessly-tested and proven female secrets to flirting and escalating…
And here’s what else—I’m SO certain The F Formula will permanently change the way women respond to you that I’ll give you a full 7 days to try everything out and get a 100% refund.
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© 2006- document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Marni Kinrys, The Wing Girl Method, and Wing GirlsTM. All rights reserved.
Click here to get The F-Formula at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.
The F-Formula is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.