Many women often wonder why married men cheat. After all, they are married so they shouldn’t be wandering away from their wife and responsibilities. However, they do wander away from the relationship and they do cheat. Yet, why do married men cheat on their spouses? What are the reasons that make them decide the relationship they are in is not worth staying faithful to? There are actually several reasons men tend to wander out of their relationships in search of the “next best thing”.

Eight Reasons Why Married Men Cheat On Their Wives

Reason 1 – Lack Of Love In Marriage

A big reason married men step out of their relationship is the lack of love they feel from it. If a woman rather spend her time with her friends or alone, then she isn’t giving her husband the attention and love he needs to stay faithful to her. Many women, even if they still love their husbands, take them for granted that they will always be there. If you find your marriage in this kind of situation and you really do love your husband, you need to spend more quality time with him to show him.

Reason 2 – Lack Of Sex

Another reason why married men cheat is the fact that they aren’t getting any sex from their wife, regardless of the reason. Men have sexual desires that need to be filled and if their wives are not giving it, they will look elsewhere to have it filled. This may seem cruel but it’s just a fact of life.

Reason 3 – Wife Cheated First

A third reason why married men cheat on their wives is because their wives cheated first, as if this is a justification for their actions. Yet, it doesn’t matter if a man’s wife cheated first, he doesn’t have to cheat himself to get back at her. This should never be an excuse but it is a major reason given as to why married men cheat.

Reason 4 – Relationship Has Gotten Stale

When a couple has been married for some time, the relationship can become old and stale. Men, whose wives never want to join them in the things they do for fun, may step out to find someone who will do those things with them. Everyone wants someone they can have fun with before marriage and after it as well. If you want to save your marriage, don’t let that fun fire fizzle out.

Reason 5 – Lack Of Trying New Sexual Things

Couples who have been together for some time can find things going stale in the bedroom. If a husband finds there’s no willingness to try new things from his wife, he may decide that he wants to try these new things with another woman. It’s the desire to have a fresh sex life that causes some married men to cheat on their wives.

Reason 6 – Constant Nagging

Another reason why married men cheat on their wives is the constant nagging they give their husbands. Nagging, no matter what the reason, is very annoying and men will often find a woman who won’t nag them about minute details.

Reason 7 – Lack Of Communication

Married men who find they are having a hard time communicating with their spouse will often look to other women to fill this void. It’s another big reason why married men cheat on their wives. If you find that your relationship lacks communication, you need to open those lines up again, if you desire to save your marriage.

Reason 8 – Unable To Stop Cheating

Some married men cheat just to cheat. They may have the inability to stop stepping out of their relationships and cheat whenever the mood strikes them. They may like the idea of being married but once the “newness” of it has worn off, he is back to his old cheating ways. This boils down to having the lack of self-control to stop themselves.

These are the eight reasons why married men cheat. If you’re a married woman who worries about her husband cheating on her, then remember to keep the lines of communication open, listen to his ideas of trying new things, stay involved with the fun things in his life and don’t cheat on him.

Source by James Hau

By mike