Let me start by defining nudity as it is expressed in the Merriam Webster Dictionary as being devoid of a natural or conventional covering especially not covered by clothing. The act of going nude is born out of fashion. At this point I would like to bring to the fore certain shifts from fashion to nudism. The reader before this generation entered both the jet and information age, women have been seen with creatively sown clothing of all types.

Some of which are so interesting and appealing to behold; on the other hand acceptable. It is a truism to state without equivocation that it is crave for fashion that led women to dress and appear nude. Nudism which is practiced by the female folk all over the world existed through the evolution of fashion. It is against this backdrop that intellectuals captured it as the practice of going nude especially in sexually mixed groups. The so called evolutionary trend in fashion industry now led to go almost naked is something to be contended with.

Today, it has become a norm and socially accepted to dress anyway you like. It has been adopted without asking what the implications are. What are the effects to the society? The focus of this write-up revolves around the above questions and how to go about resolving this societal madness. Our women new fashion glamour is only intended for distraction to the opposite sex. In the days past women concentrate on whatever she lays her hand on. But today on seeing rudely dressed lady, her focus shifts to thinking on how to be the one wearing such bombshell called mini-skirt, body hug, tight jeans etc.

Consequently, this has brought in its wake girl-child rape, extensive spread of the almighty virus termed Human Immune Virus (HIV). Our society witnesses high rate of armed robbery, get rich quick syndrome, ritual killings to mention but a few. It is not only the issue of economic down-turn that makes the masses to suffer but on the contrary we have refused to put our priority right. The builders of our homes insist on joining the bandwagon of latest clothing seen in the market today. They have crossed the Rubicon as it concerns dressing modestly. In the female world, it is either you dress showing your private part or you are not in tune with modernity craze for nakedness of evil intention.

Source by Kingsley Eze O.

By mike