This question may have too many answers but few of them can be realistic in today’s world. For a long time, planet earth has been known to be male-dominated. However, this phenomenon is running out pretty quick and women empowerment is gaining shape courtesy of the United Nations’ Council for Human Rights. The effect of this impacts negatively and positive on men as well as the society at large.
The female gender has been vulnerable to social injustices lodged against them by men. Talk of Female Genital Mutilation, regard as an inferior gender in relation to the male counterparts as well as gender-based violence, women have been between rocks and hard places. This mistreatment holds no tangible meaning. This triggered the United Nations’ Council of Human Rights, a body tasked with taking care of human rights, to take action. The body saw it better to revive the female gender and place them on a platform on which they can be as equally important as males. In its entirety, this move was absolutely ethical and right owing to the dejection and mistreatments they faced.
On the other hand, males are losing their cup of pride because females are becoming as competitive as they are in politics, an economy as well as the economy. This poses a threat that men have to deal with. But how? This article will digest that!
The Competition
Courtesy of the United Nations’ Council of Human Rights, females are now getting educated at equal rates as their male counterparts. The equality in education is the game-changer because women are getting equipped with skills that enable them to work like men. Owing to equality in education, women can take jobs that were dedicated to educated men. Men are already feeling the heat of this because of the high rate of unemployment since they’re scrambling for the same position with women. An excellent example of this can be seen with the Weaccountax accountancy services .
This competition is fueled by the campaign for the girl child to explore fields previously dominated by men. Since life has to continue, men have to find a way of handling this in a civilized way. For one reason, the world’s transformation is undeniable, and so, gender violence to put off women will never work. There has to be a way of working this out.
But how?
Let’s dive in!
Toeing the Line
It can be argued out that, “men have made hay while the sun was shining!” for all the time men have been in control of almost everything should be enough glory to celebrate. Therefore, if they want more power and pleasure, they must to the line and adhere to the demands of human rights regarding women. Thus, they shouldn’t view this as oppression against them. Instead, they should accept the challenge and work hard to prove their power and masculinity through outstanding performance in their work.
Education is the precursor of the competition and the referee that mediates the dueling between men and women. Men shouldn’t bury their heads in the sun and wait for a miracle to happen. They, instead, must keep up with the pace through advanced education. By this, they will stand the test presented by women. If not so, their position will pretty fast, and no one will ever recollect the fact that they were once giants.
Accepting the Challenge and Upholding Outstanding Competition
By setting the bar high, women already have a red flag at their doorstep that they should work their boots to overturn the existing trend. This sets a neutral and fair battlefield where one’s skills and Intel wins for them. Because women are rising up to the occasion, men shouldn’t shy off and ignore the competition. It’s justice to themselves as well as the society to showcase their might and power by winning the battle. They can achieve this by outsmarting them in technical fields such as accounting work rendered at Weaccountax accountancy services.
Taking Advantage of the Rich History
Men have experience, unlike female. In matters of politics and administration, economic prowess as well as education, they are far much better. This gives them an undue advantage in the battle, and they stand a better chance of carrying the day. This advantage is owed to their dominance for a long time. Should they lose, shame will prevail unto them for as long as nobody cares.
Seeking Fairness
civil societies, humanitarian organizations as well as churches have stressed the point of empowering the girl child. This has left men with an uphill task when it comes to finding a place or seeking refuge politically, socially and economically. As a result, women are now posting better results than men, and this isn’t the true image of gender equality. This gives a glimpse of the gender bias in societies today, and this is a threat to the position of men. It shouldn’t be a shock to the world when men are rendered.
The solution to this is appealing to fairness, justice, and equality for men as bonafide members of the society. If not, the worst can happen. The reality is that men will not sit and watch the injustice against them. They will try to keep up with the challenge. However, then the game reaches the unbearable extremities, they may choose to retaliate the hard way. This, definitely, will be unhealthy for the society due to the disruption of peace and co-existence. The society may end up judging them based on the barbaric choices they make, not knowing the options they have on the table.
Men, thus, should wake up and act wisely!
Source by K Benjamin