What is goth?

Gothic fashion has nothing to do with dramatic medieval architecture or Germanic tribes that overthrew the Roman Empire. Today, gothic or goth, is a culture itself. It is a way of life, reflected in clothes, jewelry, music, attitude, and all fashion and art.

Gothic fashion history

Goth originated in England during the early-1980’s as a subculture from punk – developing its’ own music, literature and fashion. It’s thought the name derived from an article called The face of Punk Gothique in a UK rock magazine published in 1981. Movies like The Crow brought the culture across the Atlantic, first to California.

40-years and stronger than ever!

Gothic popularity has been increased by the media and the desire for youngsters to look different. Perhaps this is why gothic customs have survived much longer than other subcultures from the same era.

Being goth

Goths take the culture very serious to the extent of a way of life. They believe that good and evil, beauty and destruction, light and dark, can’t exist without each other – and therefore their values of these are different to the norm.

They have a perverse sense of humour and a love of dark 19-century literature and their own music. Goths can find art and beauty where these seem to be lacking

Why become goth?

Although dressing in Victorian black velvet and wearing armour rings is artificial – Goths do so to show off their culture and attitude to life. Being “dark” allows them to view life’s bad sides in a positive way.

Some youngsters turn to goth culture to mirror the way they feel about their life, especially if they find it difficult to fit in society or mix with others. There is nothing wrong with this – in fact, it is a good thing for people to learn to express their individuality. Far better to expose these feelings this way, then in a violent or anti-social form.

False assumptions

Some think that gothic culture is negative, glamorizing sadism and doom. Others believe Goths are violent and anarchist. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Goths are usually relaxed, tolerant, non-violent and pacifistic people who use their fascination with death to look at life optimistically. Furthermore, goths are usually creative, using their imagination to make themselves stand out from others.

Goth things:

  • Body piercing
  • Bondage
  • Crucifix
  • Dark clothing
  • Dark wristbands
  • Different hair style
  • Egyptian ankh
  • Eye of Ra
  • Full finger rings
  • Light make-up
  • Punk rings
  • Spike jewelry

Source by Nigel Hay Mckay

By mike