OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW (Ascension Energy Weekly Update) JUNE 29th – July 4th 2021
Blessings and Welcome Family, This is your ‘ASCENSION ENERGY UPDATE’ for this week of June 21 – 28 2021. In this week’s EXTENDED READING we CLEAR ✨ HEAL ✨ and ACTIVATE ✨:
∞ Celestial Being Heart Activation
∞ Removal of the old heart
∞ Receive your New Heart with the Queen Bee Life Force Energy and Wisdom
∞ Soul Retrieval and integration with transmutation to be in the present timeline
∞ End the mission of clearing karmic entities that steal from others
∞ Morphing into your Crystalline DNA
∞ Activation of the Solar Plexus as a powerful Lioness Feminine Leader
∞ Clearing of karmic attachments off the chakras
∞ Clearing the seed points blocks of divine yourself self care
∞ Activation to put yourself first knowing that you are deserving to be fully taken care of
∞ Activation to be one with the Lion of Judah in your Consciousness, DNA, harmony and tone
∞ Activation to be anointed as a the Light of the World, Leading Christ Consciousness
∞ Molecular structure activation of love, healing, and wholeness
∞ Clearing of the Ice Age off you
∞ Clearing and activation of the heart to be open to receive all of your heart’s desires
∞ Activation to be a receive of Mother Father God
∞ Activation of your Wedding of the Lamb and Marriage with Creation
∞ Activation of the High Priestess Wise Feminine Leader Template
∞ Activation of Shekinah the Dove the Holy Spirit Template
∞ Peace Pipe Ceremony
∞ Activation of Telepathic Communication with Spirit
∞ Removal of the 7 deadly sins off you for your ascension
∞ Activation of Divine Consciousness of Spirit as your new Way
∞ Activation of your Starseed Leadership role
∞ Activation of protection of your power
∞ Clearing and balancing of the chakra system and 5 bodies
EXTENDED READING ➡️ https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ascensionjuly4 ⬅️
I give All Praises to the Most High YHWH our provider of all things. The blood of Christ washes over this video and all of us now in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit . Thank you YHWH The Most High for your supreme protection over all of us in all ways in Jesus’s amen. May all our sins be washed away in the House of the Lord, and with the Holy Spirit Amen. May we all be JAH blessed oh Heavenly Father amen �
• JUNE MONTHLY LOVE READING: EMPEROR’S RISING � JUNE 2021 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/june2021lovereading
• ��� REVERSAL OF AGING ◇ THE ORIGINAL CRYSTALLINE YOU https://vimeo.com/ondemand/crystallineyou
• ���� SISTERHOOD OF THE ROSE Activation Series https://vimeo.com/ondemand/sisterhoodoftherose1122
• ��� Divine Feminine Christ Sacred Nectar Activation Series https://vimeo.com/ondemand/sacrednectarseries
• �☯️� HiEros Gamos Milk & Honey 69 HOLY GRAIL UNION ACTIVATION Series https://vimeo.com/ondemand/hierosgamosactivation
• ��� Golden Key to MANIFESTING in the 5th DIMENSION – Manifesting Your New Earth Reality https://vimeo.com/ondemand/5thdimensionmanifesting
WEBSITE: https://www.144godcode.com
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/carolynyhwh
VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/carolynyhwh/albums
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-750ODA6oOhrteNdVejCw
�� � ABOUT ME ���
Blessings Beloved � Thank you so much for joining me. My name is Carolyn, and I am here to help support you in blossoming into your New Earth Template, and Christed Embodiment.
Each week we upgrade together with the cosmic energies and God’s plan, and our collective consciousness as a TRIBE. My gifts bring the New Earth 12th Dimensional Galactic Embodiment to you, so you can birth all of your heart’s desires! My abilities include
◦ Shamanic Healings
◦ Akashic Clearings
◦ Divine Wisdom
◦ Prophetic Tongue and God Code
◦ Kundalini Awakened
◦ Activations, Attunements, Downloads, Upgrades
◦ Powerful Manifestations
◦ Divine Alchemy
My mission directly supports The Beloveds in coming into Holy Matrimony with their Christed Divine Counterpart, as an embodiment of The House of David ✡️ Sisterhood of the Rose �The Lion Tribe of Judah � and The Galactic Star Council of Nine ✨
Join me on this journey to the return home to your Union of The Beloved, Heaven on Earth, The ONECODE, and The Promised Land �️
Love Carolyn
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed physician. The information contained in this video is not to be used as medical advice or treatment, and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. This video and information provided is for entertainment purposes only.
#ChristConsciousness #NewEarth #WeeklyEnergyUpdate
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