My 10 minute work sample is from Jingle All The Gay, the holiday show I have choreographed, produced, and performed in for the past decade. It begins with my performance of a solo that is exemplary of my full-body gestural style which I believe will translate well into this new work which will be referencing both the Roman and British styles of Pantomime performance. The sample continues with work that, while choreographed by me, clearly shows how I am inspired by the specific personalities, skills, and dance styles of my cast members and dance artists. There is a small example of how I like to use dialogue within a movement based idea. A chorus of “snowflakes” also show an example of unison movement on Queer bodies with varying amounts and types of dance experience. In this short sample I was not able to include performances by the full cast, which includes further diversity of body type and the LGBTQ spectrum, as “A Living Nativity” will as well.
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