“K-oooshe Gay” is a short film that addresses homophobia and the mental and physical violence towards those part of the LGBTQ+ community in many Caribbean islands. It is a message to all those part of the community that they are not alone.
We maked this short Teaser of the
ongoing project “K-oooshe Gay!” with a lot of difficulties during the hard situation of the last lockdown in march. Now we want to make the full movie in goods conditions this is why we are asking for help on this crowdfunding: https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/k-oooshe-gay?fbclid=IwAR2bmrkYwZJYV9U1dAWzIrsCPK8ba3YvQlfEJ7Bm2f8AggrHbchiQyPNnac

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By mike