The Gradu8tes consist of eight USC School of Dramatic Arts seniors: Dylan Locke, Jenna Herz, Grace Power, Santiago Gavidia, Casey Gardner, Kameron Brown, Wesley Brown, and Hannah Crews. Our diverse group comes from all over the world – from Peru to New York City. We are black, asian, latino, white, gay, straight, and even deaf. But the one thing we all have in common is that we love to tell stories.
As our last year of college flashes before us online, the group of us came together to make a film that not only reflects our fears of the future, but might actually help relieve some of those fears. Once our short film is completed, we plan to send our finished project out to agents and managers across the country in the hopes of getting representation by the time we graduate from USC this spring.
Support from our friends and family means a better shot at this film making an impact. Gaining representation as an up-and-coming actor is super important in this industry in order to help get our foot in the door. With coronavirus making in-person shows impossible, this film is the best way to showcase what we’ve learned at USC and the artists we have become.
What We Need & Why
Our goal is to raise $10,000. These funds will go to:
location rental
& of course covid-protections (our set will be covid-compliant as well as ADA accessible with see-through masks and ASL interpreters on site)
Everyone who donates to this film will be considered a producer and will be credited as such.
We understand we are asking for a lot during a time of great uncertainty. But, the best thing we can do as artists during this time is tell our stories and hope that people will gain. We hope that you agree that our story is worth being told and our careers are worth being supported.
Other Ways You Can Help
We totally understand if you can’t donate at this time. We thank you for caring about our project and ask that you please share our campaign!
Thank you so much for your love and support.
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