Let go


Sep 28, 2021

I made this almost a year ago without the actual balls ⚽️ � to upload it. Im tired of living my life for other people and the expectations society has put on us. Whether that be with our gender roles, sexuality, or anything that doesn’t serve our truest authentic selves. So here I am. I’m weird. I’m strange. I’m imperfect. I’m defensive. I’m sad. I’m self conscious. Im not always happy. I’m gay. I’m not straight. I’m unable to follow my gender norm of being a woman or being a mother. No longer do really I want to try. Life is too short not to live it up and be your self in that moment, what really matters in the end? Seriously. Maybe tomorrow I’ll feel otherwise. Maybe next week I’ll change my mind. The beautiful part is that I am, just is, right now. I love you and most importantly love myself. If you find me offensive or confusing, I’m happy to accept that, It’s not possible to toot everyone’s horn. #beepbeep #camilesoutofthecloset #loveyourself

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By mike